MANHATTAN, N.Y., June 27, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — AFuzion’s Aviation & Certification Training today received the world’s first known Perfect 5.0 Score from all attendees. Yes, the independent Organizer, unaffiliated with AFuzion, compiled from all attendees their satisfaction scoring in all categories. The result? AFuzion scored the world’s first Perfect 5.0. The highest score possible and highest ever recorded.

AFuzion’s aviation development and certification training covers various combinations of:

  •     DO-178C Avionics Software Training
  •     DO-254 Avionics Hardware Training
  •     ARP4754A Aircraft and Systems Training
  •     ARP4761 Aviation Safety Assessment Training
  •     DO-278A CNS/ATM Ground Systems Training
  •     DO-200A Aeronautical Data Training
  •     DO-330 Tool Qualification Training
  •     DO-331 Model-Based Development Training
  •     DO_332 Object Oriented Technology Software Training

AFuzion trains over 5,000 engineers annually via both in-person and remote live training; this is 3X more than all other trainers in the world COMBINED. AFuzion’s DO-178C / DO-254 Training schedule is found here AFuzion Public DO-178C & DO-254 & ARP4754A Training Schedule.

AFuzion distributes 15,000 copies of its aviation development and certification whitepapers annually covering topics such as DO-178C, DO-254, and ARP4754A / ARP4761A. For a free copy of the DO-178C PDF Introduction Whitepaper, click here.

75% of AFuzion’s twenty DO-178C, DO-254, and ARP4754A training courses annually sell out in advance. The five reasons are obvious: the world’s only Perfect 5.0 score – only from AFuzion.

Media Contact

Jack Jones, AFuzion, 8589226337,


What's Better Than 4.9? Easy Answer: a "Perfect 5.0"

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