Airmedic and Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS) du Nord-de-l'Île-de-Montréal logo (CNW Group/Airmedic Inc.)

SAINT-HUBERT, QC, May 29, 2023 /CNW/ – The 2023 Canada Grand Prix organization has once again turned to Airmedic and the Hopital du Sacré-Coeur-de-Montréal trauma center to provide critical care and emergency medical transport by helicopter from the Grand Prix site.  From June 15 to 18, a dedicated team of doctors, respiratory therapists, nurses and pilots will be working together to provide health care and emergency airlifts that meet the highest quality standards.

We are proud of the trust placed in us by the Canadian Grand Prix organization and Sacré-Coeur Hospital. This long-standing partnership is evidence of the expertise and professionalism of our Airmedic teams and demonstrates how well we work within the pre-hospital system in partnership with other highly-trained professionals. We are ready to respond whenever and wherever we’re needed,” says Sophie Larochelle, Chief executive officer.

“For the past 30 years, the Sacré-Cœur Hospital trauma team is proud to ensure medical care during the Canada Grand Prix. We know that we have highly-trained experts who will be ready to provide care and evacuate a patient if needed,” says Dr Ronald Denis, Director medical program at Hopital du Sacré-Coeur-de-Montréal trauma center.

According to the FIA requirements, it is mandatory to have a helicopter service that is available at all times for medical evacuations. Airmedic will be providing two dedicated BK117 helicopters from its fleet specifically designed for critical care.  At all times, one helicopter will be positioned on the helipad next to the field hospital while the second helicopter will be positioned at La Mare au Diable, at the north end of the island. The constant presence of a helicopter on site is part of the emergency measures plan strategically developed by the three actors involved. In addition to this, five major simulations and ground training will be conducted with the inter-disciplinary trauma teams to ensure effective and efficient inter-hospital in-flight care. 

About Airmedic

Airmedic is the only company in Quebec operating its own fleet of planes and helicopters exclusively dedicated to emergency medical assistance and inter-hospital transfers. Our call center operates 24/7. Airmedic helicopters operate day and night thanks to certification by Transport Canada that allows our pilots to use night vision goggles, and fly IFR (Instrument Flight Rules). Airmedic is also the first privately-owned emergency medical transport company in Canada to be certified by Accreditation Canada. This certification demonstrates Airmedic’s commitment to providing high quality care in the safest environment.

À propos de CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal et de l’Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur-de-Montréal

Comptant 26 installations de santé et de services sociaux situées dans cinq arrondissements du nord de Montréal, le CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal a la responsabilité d’organiser et de développer les services de santé et sociaux pour les 436 000 Montréalais de son territoire. Il offre aussi des services spécialisés principalement en traumatologie, en santé respiratoire, en santé cardiovasculaire et en santé mentale à 1,8 million de Québécois d’autres régions. Le CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, affilié à l’Université de Montréal, se concentre sur trois principaux pôles de recherche : la recherche biomédicale, la recherche sociale et la recherche en santé mentale chez les enfants et les adolescents.

L’HSCM est un centre hospitalier universitaire du CIUSSS du Nord-l’Île-de-Montréal depuis 2015. Il est reconnu comme un centre suprarégional de soins, d’enseignement et de recherche. En plus des services spécialisés du CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal qui sont offerts à l’HSCM, on y retrouve également l’orthopédie tertiaire et la chirurgie bariatrique qui sont deux importants secteurs de pointe.

SOURCE Airmedic Inc.

Airmedic and Sacré-Cœur Hospital meet again at 2023 Canada Grand Prix ready to respond to any health emergency on and around the track

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