ANTICOSTI, QC, Nov. 24, 2023 /CNW/ – The Anticosti Island area, recently listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the Mingan Archipelago overflow with natural treasures representative of Quebec’s rich natural heritage, one of which is the St. Lawrence River. That is the reason why the governments of Canada and Quebec are announcing their joint intent to establish a new joint marine park in Quebec to protect this natural gem. 

This was announced today by Mr. Steven Guilbeault, Minister of the Environment and Climatic Change and Minister responsible for Parks Canada and Mr. Benoit Charette, Minister of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks and Minister responsible for the Laurentides Region. The area considered, on a preliminary basis, is the marine area located between Anticosti Island and the federal Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve, which could result in a significant conservation gain with respect to the protected marine surface area by 2030.

This announcement is the first step towards the creation of a possible Anticosti-Mingan marine park. The governments of Canada and Quebec will jointly meet, over the coming months, with all the stakeholders concerned by the project, including First Nations, regional and municipal organizations, research groups and local businesses, in order to collect their views and comments. They wish, amongst other things, to discuss and evaluate the environmental, social, ecotourism and economic benefits that could result from the creation of this park, as well as the management methods best suited to the particular reality of the environment.

Public consultations are also planned in the years to come, depending on the progress of the work begun today. They may, amongst other things, focus on the precise demarcation of the territory to be protected and the possible conservation measures to protect the marine environment, while maintaining the quality of life of local communities and ensuring that they uphold the regional socio-economic vitality.

This initiative is in line with the commitment made by the two governments to achieve the targets arising from the Convention on Biological Diversity, including the objective of conserving 30% of land and sea territory by 2030. It is part of the continuity of previous partnerships between the governments of Canada and Quebec in terms of biodiversity conservation, including the project to expand the Saguenay-St. Lawrence marine park announced in March 2023. The two governments recognize that protecting such a precious environment will require a strong cooperation, a close collaboration and consultations with all the stakeholders involved.


“Having visited Anticosti Island and admired its natural jewels with my own eyes, I am delighted to announce that the Government of Canada commits to collaborating with the Government of Quebec and the indigenous communities concerned, to establish a new marine park. Our objective is to protect the vast and diverse marine ecosystems that link the Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve to Anticosti Island. This initiative is in line with other ongoing collaborative projects, such as the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park. Together, these projects represent our ongoing commitment to combating climate change and preserving endangered species.” 

The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climatic Change and Minister responsible for Parks Canada 

“In the current climate change context and resulting warming of the oceans, now more than ever we must take concrete action to protect our marine ecosystems. It is also essential to get it right, which is why the joint engagement sessions announced today will enable us to hear from all interest groups in the region, including fishermen, to strike the right balance between protecting biodiversity and the economic vitality of the Côte Nord.”

The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard

“Our government is resolutely committed to protecting Quebec’s biodiversity. That is why we are very happy to make this announcement of intent, alongside the federal government as well as local, regional, indigenous, and international stakeholders. Thanks to this collaboration between all the partners, we are taking, today, a historic step by announcing our intention of working towards the creation of a new marine park on the edge of Anticosti, a natural gem that has just been listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, and the Mingan Archipelago. I am delighted with this new partnership, which is promising for all of Quebec.”

Benoit Charette, Minister of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks and Minister responsible for the Laurentides

“The creation of a marine park will ensure the protection of the natural resources of Anticosti and the Mingan Archipelago. It is a precious legacy for all future generations. As minister responsible for the Côte-Nord region, I am delighted with this new partnership in which the community is involved. This is excellent news for the entire region! »

Kateri Champagne Joudain, Minister of Employment and Minister responsible for the Côte-Nord Region and Member for Duplessis

« Recognition as a UNESCO world heritage site generates extraordinary activity from the government to provide the necessary assistance for the implementation of the new site for the host environment, through various departments. Today, the announcement of intent to create a new protected area by a marine park leads to another major protection project which adjoins that of the Anticosti Biodiversity Reserve. I am very much in favour with this other project which, just as was the case with Anticosti, will be the subject of public consultations to inform and consult all local stakeholders. »

Hélène Boulanger, Mayor of the municipality of Anticosti Island 

« This announcement of joint intent by the governments once again demonstrates the exceptional nature of the rich biodiversity of Minganie and fits perfectly into our vision of developing and protecting our natural jewels such as Anticosti and the Mingan Archipelago. I welcome the willingness of governments to carry out these conservation ambitions, while ensuring consultations with stakeholders and communities in the territory. »

Meggie Richard, prefect of MRC de Minganie

« We, Innus of Ekuanitshit, have at heart the protection of Nitassinan that our people have been using for thousands of years. Since the creation of a protected area relies largely on the level of commitment, on the collaboration and consultations of the First Nations, it is important to recognize the relation that we maintain with our territory and nature, as protectors and responsible stewards. Consequently, I wish that the protection of this future marine park be done while respecting our rights and with close collaboration with First Nations because joint management will promote the long-term conversation of biodiversity and resources that are so dear to our hearts. »

Jean-Charles Piétacho, Chief innu of Ekuanitshit

“We, the Innu First Nation of Nutashkuan, are very interested in this project of a future marine protected area which would cover part of our Nitassinan marine environment. We intend to participate in its development, creation, implementation, and governance. Maintaining our traditional activities of the Innu Aitun in this future marine protected area goes hand in hand with our desire to conserve and enhance the biodiversity of all environments, including marine ecosystems.”

Réal Tettaut, Cihef innu of Nutashkuan

Facts :

  • The preliminary area of focus considered for the marine park is distinguishable by its rich biodiversity, which is a representative sample of the Anticosti-Mingan area, both from an oceanographic and ecological perspective as well as a heritage and cultural perspective. This marine territory is notably populated by vast algae forests and waters rich in phytoplankton, valuable underwater habitats where a large concentration of marine mammals, including increasingly North Atlantic right whales, an endangered population. There are also significant colonies of seabirds, areas of sponges and species at risk such as the American eel, the Atlantic wolfish and cod.

  • The creation of a marine park on the outskirts of Anticosti Island would build on the site registered in September 2023 on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. This would also ensure a continuum of land-sea protection with existing protected areas, notably the Anticosti National Park, the Anticosti Biodiversity Reserve and the federal Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve.

  • The marine park model has proven itself in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence area. Under the joint responsibility of the Government of Quebec and the federal government, the management of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park is based on a participatory governance approach with the environment unique in Canada. This joint management model with over 25 years of experience, which has proven itself, both in terms of conservation and consultation between different local, regional, national and indigenous stakeholders.

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SOURCE Parks Canada

New Canada-Quebec Collaboration on Biodiversity - Québec and Ottawa confirm their intent to create a new joint marine park in the Anticosti-Mingan area

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